When Will My Cavapoo Stop Teething?

When you hear the word teething you perhaps conjure up images of babies with bright red cheeks and sore gums who just want to chew on anything they can get their tiny hands on. It’s not any different in the doggy world (well perhaps the red cheeks won’t be visible) but teething is a very important stage of your Cavapoo’s life. This article sets out to explore when teething will typically begin for your Cavapoo, how long it might last, and what you can do to help.

Your Cavapoo should have all its adult’s teeth around 8 months old. Adult teeth consist of 42 teeth whereas the first set of baby teeth only have 28. The teething process happens twice in a dog’s life, the first starting at around 3 weeks old.

There are signs your dog has started to teeth which we will explore in detail. We will also look at how it’s not always a simple process and we highlight some signs that mean you may need to get your dog checked by the vet.

The Stages of Teething

You can expect your Cavapoo to start teething anywhere between 3 and 12 weeks of age. These baby teeth are known as milk teeth and there are 28 of these to come through. During this stage of developing milk teeth, you will see your puppy trying to gnaw at anything it can find – including human fingers. It is best to give them appropriate teething toys at this age so that they learn they shouldn’t chew on whatever takes their fancy!

Milk teeth usually appear in the following order.

  • Incisors
  • Canine teeth
  • Premolars

These milk teeth begin to fall out at around 3 to 4 months old. Some dogs just get the full set of milk teeth when they begin to fall out. The adult teeth come in usually in the same order as the milk teeth except for the molars which come after the premolars and aren’t present in the milk teeth set.

Altogether you can expect 42 adult teeth. These teeth are referred to as permanent or secondary teeth. Typically, you can expect the teething to stop around 8 months of age.

Signs of Teething

Going through the teething process twice before your pup is even a year old can be understandably hard for them. You may notice some new behaviors when teething is occurring. You may not witness any or part of the first teething stage as this often occurs while your pup is still with its litter.

  • Bleeding gums – You may find some traces of blood on your puppy’s toys or on you from their swollen gums
  • You may find a tooth – Sometimes the baby teeth are simply swallowed, and no one is any wiser but occasionally you might find a tooth on the floor or furniture that has fallen out their mouth
  • Increased drooling – Dogs can drool more during the puppy teething stage in the same way babies do. Gums are sore as the teeth move around causing excess saliva
  • A decrease in appetite – Some puppies may not want to eat as much food while teething if they are in pain. Soft foods might be best if this is the case
  • Increased chewing – This is the one symptom most puppy owners will notice as chewing can be a problematic symptom of teething
  • Not their usual selves – Your pup may be quieter than normal, a bit subdued even. They may want to sleep more and play less. You may even hear them whining from time to time

Supporting Your Puppy Through Teething

There are a few things that you can do to help your Cavapoo have an easier time when they are teething. These include:

  • Lots of love – Your dog might be feeling a little sorry for themselves so some extra cuddles and a calm environment might be all they need
  • Soft foods at mealtimes – Your dog’s gums may be hurting too much for crunchy dog biscuits so perhaps consider wet food or soften the biscuits first.
  • Chew toys and frozen fruit and veg – Both of these can help with sore gums and it will save your fingers being chewed so it’s a win-win. Just be careful you make a dog-friendly choice
  • Puppy-proof your home – Take away any chewing temptations while your dog is teething. Get down to their level and see what might be tempting for them to chew on
  • Crate training – This is one of those times crate training can be invaluable. It gives your dog their own quiet space with a bed, blanket, and a few chew toys which then means your home remains intact
  • Vet care – Sometimes teeth may cause problems that need the help of your vet, for example, baby teeth not coming out as they should. It’s important to introduce good dental care in your pooch early on.

Complications with Teething

From time to time dogs can have issues with the teething process particularly smaller breeds who are trying to fit the same number of teeth into a much smaller mouth. Sometimes you may notice your dog has two teeth in one place, also known as double teeth. This could impact the adult tooth that’s trying to grow in, and the vet may consider pulling out the baby tooth to allow the adult one to grow in straight. This will be done under general anaesthesia and sometimes can be carried out at the same time your pup is spayed or neutered.

Generally teething is a smooth process that doesn’t cause any harm or too much pain but if you notice your dog seems unwell, doesn’t want to eat at all, or has a bad odor emitting from its mouth you need to get it checked out. Gums can become infected and may need treatment. You and your dog will be pleased when the teething process finishes for the second, and last time.

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