How Big Does a St Berdoodle get? Size and Growth Chart

Let’s talk St Berdoodles. Perhaps you’ve only just heard of the St Berdoodle, one of the newest and possibly lesser-known hybrid dog breeds. Perhaps you’ve seen a photo of one of these beauties or even met one and are considering becoming a St Berdoodle owner yourself.

If so, one of the first questions you’re likely to ask is about their size and specifically, how big they grow. In this article, we’ll aim to answer that question. An important point to note though when talking about any mixed breed dog is that there is no exact answer and even within a breed (purebred), there is some slight variation.

The St Berdoodle is the largest of the Doodle breeds weighing in at an average of between 70lbs and 150lbs. From the paw to the withers you can expect them to grow up to 30”. St Berdoodle puppies can double their birth weight within a week and weigh up to 15lb by 2 months of age.

What is a St Berdoodle?

The St Berdoodle is a cross between one of the biggest breeds of all, the instantly recognizable St Bernard (if somebody tells you they have never seen a St Bernard mention the movie Beethoven and they’ll know exactly what you mean) and the Poodle, usually the standard Poodle.

The St Bernard is a huge dog, a true giant, and at adulthood, the males reach an average of 28-30 inches to the wither and 140-180lbs in weight (although weights of 200lbs are not unknown or even particularly uncommon). Females are slightly smaller at 26-28 inches high and 120-140lbs in weight. The Standard Poodle is also a large dog with males typically standing between 22-28 inches in height (although up to 30 inches is possible) and weighing 45-70lbs. Females again are slightly smaller at 22- 26 inches and weighing 45-60lbs. It, therefore, stands to reason that the St Berdoodle is going to be a very large dog.

The aim when breeding St Berdoodles and the idea that most people have when thinking about getting a St Berdoodle is to produce a dog that has the size and many of the characteristics of the St Bernard, with the coat of a Poodle. Obviously, as with any crossbreed, there is quite a margin of variation here, but we will look at averages. The average adult St Berdoodle, whether male or female (although typically it is the males that will reach the higher end of these scales) will be between 24-30 inches tall (most will be 26 inches and above) and will weigh between 70-150 lbs, again with most being closer to the higher end of the range.

F1b St Berdoodle @ 11 months

St Berdoodle Size at Birth

So how quickly do these huge teddy bear dogs reach their colossal size? Let’s start at the very beginning. Large dog breeds typically have large litters of pups so between 8 – 15 pups with 11 being an average.

Oddly enough they are not huge at birth as pups of all breeds start off similar in size, but the large breed pups grow faster so as new-borns most St Berdoodle pups will only weigh between 1 and 1.5 lbs. However, these babies grow fast and should double their birth weight by the end of the first week.

Rate of Growth and Development

By four weeks the St Berdoodle puppy will weigh around 6lbs and by the time the pups are ready to leave mum at 8 weeks, they will weigh an average of 15lbs. The St Berdoodle, like all other giant breeds grows so rapidly that sometimes they literally grow overnight. You’ll wake up in the morning and look at your fluffy pup and think ‘wow did you sleep in a grow bag!?’

These fluffy giants take up to three years to reach their full size, although most of the rapid growth is done in the first eighteen months. After this age, you won’t notice your pup growing so much but when your dog is fully mature, and you look back at photos, you may be surprised to see how much he has grown.

The St Berdoodle will reach adult height long before he reaches adult weight. Most will only gain an inch or two in height after 18 months but will ‘bulk out’ considerably if a lot more slowly than in the puppy stage.

How Variable Can This Be?

As mentioned earlier, the St Berdoodle is a hybrid or crossbreed dog so there is a wider margin of variation in size than in a purebred. However, the smallest your dog could possibly be is the size of the Poodle parent, although this is unlikely as he only gets half of his genes from the Poodle. Whereas the largest he SHOULD be is the size of his St Bernard parent.

I say ‘should’ as hybrid dogs do have the possibility of growing larger than either parent (this can be accredited to hybrid vigor) so if you base your prediction on the middle to the higher end of the size and weight range, you shouldn’t go far wrong.

A note to mention though is no matter what size your St Berdoodle grows to, he will be perfect in your eyes. If he’s huge, there’s all the more to cuddle and if he’s small (for a giant) he’s a little more portable.

St Berdoodle Growth Chart

2 Months14 – 15lbs
3 Months22 – 32lbs
4 Months38 – 46lbs
5 Months52 – 57lbs
6 Months67 – 74lbs
7 Months80 – 86lbs
8 Months86 – 91lbs
9 Months92 – 104lbs
10 Months105 – 110lbs
12 Months110 – 117lbs
2 Years110 – 130lbs
3 Years130 – 150lbs

In Conclusion

So, to sum up, the St Berdoodle is a giant hybrid dog, and whilst there is variation, he is going to be one huge fluffy teddy bear. In this article, I have based my information on a standard sized F1 St Berdoodle. As with all our beloved Doodle dogs, there are many variations when it comes to generations – F1b, reverse F1b (back to Saint) multi-generational St Berdoodles, and even, believe it or not, Mini St Berdoodles!