Top Toys for Goldendoodles: 2021 Review

Let’s talk toys! One of the best parts of sharing your life with a dog is playing with him and watching him play with his doggy friends or his favorite toys. Just like with a child, you will probably buy more toys for your dog than any other item, apart from food. There is a … Read more

Flat Coat Goldendoodle Guide: How, Why and What

When you think Goldendoodle you think curls but not all will adorn the trademark Poodle coat. Sometimes, the Golden Retriever genes are dominant and your Goldendoodle will have a flat coat and no furnishings. Rest assured though, you will still have a lovable, loyal, and devoted Goldendoodle. Why Some Goldendoodles Have a Flat Coat In … Read more

The Shaved Goldendoodle: Right or Wrong?

In the article we will be discussing an oddly emotive subject, the shaved Goldendoodle. This is a subject that most Goldendoodle owners or lovers, including myself, have a strong opinion on. The FOR Argument We will start by looking at the pros of shaving your Goldendoodle. When talking about the shaved Goldendoodle, we do not … Read more

Are Goldendoodles Loyal? The Facts Explored

‘Man’s Best Friend’ is an expression we often hear on the TV, in books, and penned in articles like these. Where does this expression come from though? Most dogs are extremely loyal to their owners and their families, and it’s not very common to own a disloyal dog. What creates loyalty in dogs? Are some … Read more