Bringing a new puppy home is a very exciting time and they soon become a part of the furniture. But what happens when you come home one day from a long day at work to find this furniture chewed and a not so apologetic dog waiting for cuddles? It is easy to be upset and even a little cross with your dog if they begin chewing. It’s so important to fully understand the reasons behind this chewing, and there are always steps you can take to discourage chewing in your home.
Your Bernedoodle puppy is likely to go through a chewing stage while teething and they may chew as they move into adulthood. However, there are steps you can take to keep this to a minimum. A Bernedoodle is no more likely to chew than any other breed of dog.
Whether or not your Bernedoodle will become a chewer is not a clear-cut answer. Find out more below where we take a look at the reasons behind the chewing, and what can be put in place to reduce the risk of chewing. It is important to have clear boundaries for your dog from the outset. With the right training and environment, your dog can live a happy life without feeling the urge to chew. We are going to explore some of the steps you can take to have a chew free home.
Table of Contents
Why do Dogs Chew?
Dogs explore the world around them by using their mouths and this is an in-built instinct. Sometimes this instinct turns into something more destructive though. Puppies will chew to ease their teething pains, this may be on their own toys but they may also find other objects which help their teeth. A bored dog is likely to turn to chewing as a form of entertainment. Or it may be that you have an anxious dog, who struggles to be home alone. It may even be an indication of their diet lacking balance.
Chewing often comes about as a reaction to their environment and certain triggers. Get down to your dog’s level and look around – see what exciting chewing opportunities they see through their eyes.
Cross Breeds aren’t more likely to chew than Pedigree dogs – chewing is based on a number of reasons that are not always determined by the breed of dog.
It is very common for Poodle puppies to chew and mouth on any objects they can find. Puppies will not understand when something should not be chewed so puppy proofing your home is essential for keeping your puppy out of harm’s way. As puppies, the Bernese Mountain Dog will chew to help with the pain as their teeth come through. This breed of dog is renowned for its sociable nature so it is possible they will resort to chewing objects if left alone much.
Bernedoodles and Teething
Your Bernedoodle is very likely to chew as a young puppy, both as they explore the big world around them and as they begin teething. There are ways you can support your puppy through this stage making it a more positive and less stressful experience. Leave out accessible, age-appropriate teething toys for your puppy and remove anything you do not want to be used as one! You could freeze some carrots for your puppy – they will relish the coolness on their sore gums. Take away anything that could be harmful to your puppy while they are in this stage of development.
Some foods are not safe for your Bernedoodle to chew. Apple seeds, avocados, garlic, grapes, and onions are just a few examples of food items that are poisonous to dogs. It is really important to make sure any food you give your dog is safe to do so. If you come home and worry your dog has eaten something harmful you need to ring your vets for advice immediately.
Will Bernedoodles Chew as Adults?
Bernedoodles are an active breed so if they do not get as much exercise as they need then they may turn to more destructive traits such as chewing. They also prefer to be in the company of others and may chew out of loneliness or anxiety when left alone. It may also be indicative of their food missing an important nutrient and this is well worth exploring further. This breed can never have too much love and fuss, and if they feel these needs aren’t being met then they may chew.
Checking your Bernedoodle’s Diet
This is often missed as a possible trigger for chewing but can be crucial to fixing the problem. Firstly, check your dog is on the right daily quantity of food for their weight and also choose a decent brand of dog food that contains all the nutrients they need to grow. When something is lacking from their diet, or they aren’t getting enough they will turn to other food sources.
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise – for Body & Mind
Bernedoodles are an active breed and thrive in a household that recognizes this. It is important to research how much exercise your dog can have from puppyhood through to adult-hood.
Bernedoodles differ in size due to there being three sizes of Poodle that the Bernese Mountain Dog can be bred with (standar, toy and miniature) so it’s important to use an exercise regime that fits in with your particular dog. As well as physical exercise, mental exercise can be just as valuable. With a body and mind that is well stimulated your dog will not feel the urge to chew. Mental stimulation could include teaching them new tricks or learning new rules.
Why not rotate your dog’s toys on a weekly basis? This way they won’t become bored with their choice of entertainment because their choices will change regularly. Every now and then introduce a new toy – these don’t have to be expensive or even shop-bought, so many things can be made without spending a penny. For instance, take some plastic cups and place some cheese cubes under a few of them. Watch your dog sniff each one and learn to find what is underneath. Edible chews can be useful, but these should be supervised.
Giving your dog household objects to play with will confuse them. It may be tempting to let them play with your old slipper, but then how do they know they cannot play with the newer ones? Dogs like humans need good clear rules to help them understand what is acceptable behavior. Confusing and mixed messages will lead to your dog not being clear on the rules and as a result breaking them.
Training at Home and Obedience Classes
Every animal needs its safe space – a place that is theirs and provides them with reassurance. Bernedoodles can be anxious when they are left in the house on their own. Crate training your Bernedoodle from when they are a puppy can be so beneficial. When a dog grows up with a crate they will recognize this as theirs. During the teething stage, puppies can be put in these for short periods of time along with their chew toys so that they associate their crate with the chewing behavior. As they grow, their need for their safe space will intensify as they develop fears and anxieties.
Obedience training classes can offer a more specialized approach to deterring chewing behavior in the home. Just a few lessons may be enough to give you the tools and confidence you need to tackle any chewing problems. When you notice your dog attempting to chew something undesirable, distract them with a quick “no” and instead offer them with a chew toy. When your dog is chewing successfully on the chew toy, give them lots of praise and affection. From this point on whenever you notice your Bernedoode choosing a chew toy, you should offer them praise. Moving forwards this will help them make better chewing choices.
Anti Chew Products Available on the Market
You can buy spray deterrents that are aimed at dogs that chew. I would always err on the side of caution in buying shop-bought products. Instead, why not use a homemade deterrent – that way you know exactly what it contains. A few products that are popular include vinegar, citrus smells, hot or spicy smells. It is important to ask your vet before using any deterrents and they may be able to recommend some.
Related Questions
Are Bernedoodles High Energy?
Both the Poodle and Bernese Mountain Dogs are high energy so it is highly probable your Bernedoodle will be too. There will be varying degrees of energy levels that depend on the size of your Bernedoodle.
Are Bernedoodles Aggressive?
Bernedoodles are not aggressive dogs but as always their temperament will depend on their environment. They are loyal, clever and sociable dogs and are great in a family environment. They are a popular choice of dog due to their loveable personalities.