We all know how super cute Aussiedoodles look with their floppy ears and gorgeous coats but how quiet are they? We discover if they are known for incessant barking or whether you’re unlikely to hear a peep from them. We look to tackle the myths around dogs known to be barkers and look into the real reasons your dog may be making a noise and some of our findings may well surprise you.
Aussiedoodles are not known to be barkers and neither are their Poodle and Australian Shepherd parents. However, all dogs react differently to situations. Some may have certain triggers that cause them to bark. Training and socialization are key to minimizing noise from your Aussiepoo.
So now we’ve confirmed that in theory, your Aussiedoodle shouldn’t bark much, why is the reality so different and are you questioning if yours has broken? Fear not, excessive barking can be addressed with various techniques. We’ll help you to figure out why your Aussiedoodle might be so noisy and how to quieten them down.
Table of Contents
Aussiedoodle Noise Levels
The great news is that Aussiedoodles are not renowned for being dogs that bark a lot. Let’s look quickly to the Aussiedoodle parents for an insight into their barking behaviors. Aussiedoodles are a mixed breed combining Poodle with the Australian Shepherd. Poodles, on the whole, are not known to be problematic with barking and neither are Australian Shepherds.
The bad news is that it isn’t only down to the dog breed that determines how much barking will be involved. Typically, you can expect a fairly calm personality should you decide to bring an Aussiedoodle into your life and home providing that their high energy needs are met.
They are considered a medium to large breed and are very smart, active, and loyal. Having said this, as we’ve learned fast during our time during Doodle research, no two dogs are ever the same and it’s not entirely down to genetics if your dog will be a barker.
Barking Triggers in for Dogs
So, you’ve got your Aussiedoodle home but wait – he isn’t performing as described on the proverbial tin, what to do? The best thing to do at this point is to go through possible triggers and explanations for the barking. Does it happen at a particular time of day, for example when the postman passes? Is it when your dog becomes over-excited, perhaps at walkies time? There are so many reasons for dogs barking so it’s important to understand what’s causing your dog to do so.
Aussiedoodles are commonly associated with words such as intelligent, loyal, playful, and active. So, the first thing to look at is your dog’s basic needs and to make sure they all are being met. Your Aussiedoodle needs to be receiving adequate fuss each day. Be certain that enough food and water are available to meet their daily requirements and at times that have become routine for you both.
Ensure that they get regular times throughout the day to attend to their toileting requirements. Whilst attending to their high mental stimulation needs, be careful that they are not overstimulated. It can be hard finding the balance between a happy content dog and not over pampering them.
A noisy dog is an important issue to address because no one wants to listen to barking all day every day. Here are some of the main reasons for barking behaviors:
- Anxiety
- Excitement
- Saying hello to passer-bys
- Practicing watchdog skills
- Boredom
- Stressed
- Agitated
- Basic needs not met
- Too much stimulation inside or out
- Lonely
- Protecting territory
- Craving attention
- Scared
These reasons are all common triggers that can cause dogs to bark frequently. It should be fairly easy to identify if any of the above could be why your Aussiedoodle is making lots of noise.
Dogs can’t come out and tell us when something is wrong so instead, they will vocalize it or demonstrate it in other ways. How you react to the barking is also very important to getting past the issue and keeping your bond intact.
Dealing with Your Barking Aussiedoodle
How easy it’ll be to “fix” excessive barking will depend on the cause in the first instance. Sometimes it’s even the case you aren’t aware your Aussiedoodle spends the day in bark mode, especially if you are out at work. Some barking behavior will stem from a lack of guidance and training.
However, all barking can be minimized with correct training and this should be started very early on. You can train your dog to “talk” and then ask them to quieten. Training really should include positive reinforcement techniques and should never be about punishing your dog.
Never lose your patience with your Aussiedoodle when asking them to stop barking, even if they don’t stop. If you start shouting at your dog, they will bark even louder, or worse still become afraid. Keep things really positive and light, with treats aplenty. Ignore the barking and reward the silence and these clever dogs will soon cotton on to what rewards them. It’s also so important to be consistent and solid with your training to avoid confusion. These dogs are super smart, and you’ll soon be rewarded for your time and patience.
Some triggers will be easy to eradicate. Barking at people passing by can be solved by not letting your dog near the window. Or barking to get your attention can be approached by ignoring your dog or turning your back on them. Perhaps a certain toy sound upsets them, if so, take it away or remove the noise element. Sometimes simply introducing such triggers regularly will allow them to become accustomed so they’ll no longer bark at them. This particular technique is known as desensitization.
Another reason for excessive barking can be a lack of socialization. This is one of the most important parts of bringing up a dog and never underestimate how important it will be. A dog who barks and acts up in front of other dogs needs to be around dogs more often. Take your dog to classes from an early age if possible or go for walks with other dog owners. It’s a great way to make new friends for both you and your dog.
Aussiedoodles are Companion Dogs
The Aussiepoo craves to be your friend and protector. Sometimes they bark to protect their home and family from “dangers”. This type of behavior is inbuilt in most breeds to a certain extent. If a dog senses danger, they are likely to let you know about it. They may also bark when you return home from work or indeed as you leave the house. They are just reminding you that they are there and that they will miss you.
We’ve rounded up a few tips to keep barking to a minimum:
- Exercise, exercise, exercise!
- Shows who is boss in the house
- Consistent training
- Regular toilet breaks
- Cuddles
- Keep indoors calm and quiet
- Close curtains or keep the dog away from front views
- Provide your dog with toys and activities
- Comfort your dog if they are scared.
To Sum Up
Chin up, it’s nothing you’ve done wrong and it’s also not your Aussiedoodle’s fault. Sometimes the world is just a little overwhelming for dogs and they don’t know how to deal with their emotions. Understanding your dog’s trigger or triggers is halfway to eradicating the problem. Remember though, some barking is normal in all dogs, it’s very rare to have a dog who never barks. In Fact, a quiet dog could very well suggest an unhappy dog that no one aspires to own.